
Why I write 1000 words a day

1000wordsThe short answer is: to have something written.

The long answer is more complex. (Of course. It always is.) First I should tell you why I write at all, but I really cannot. I just have this feeling that words want to come out. I'm an introvert by nature, so it takes a while for me to make friends, I cannot just jump on the "social wagon". I'm not fan of parties, and when I go to one, I'm not easily involved in conversation. This is the way I am, and I think there is nothing wrong with that. But still. There are these words wanting to come alive, so I obey, and help them to be born. I write them down to get rid of this strange, urgent feeling. Of course, at the end, it never goes away. And I'm happy about that.

Why 1000 words? Because it is a nice round number, and there is a secret satisfaction when I go over the three digit number of word count. And because if I write 1000 words a day, I can write a book in three months. (I admit, on some weekends I have other plans, or I'm just too lazy to write, so settle with the idea of a short book.) I just finished the draft of my second novel. The first one was so bad, I didn't bother to edit it. (However the idea and the concept still poke me, and beg not to let them fall in the hole of forgetting.) This second one is more promising  and I will try to give it the shape of a worthy novel, by editing and polishing. But I did not stop writing my 1000 daily words, and I'm working on the next project. If not a book, I can write several short stories, book reviews, blog posts, you name it.

Pssst, come closer, I tell you a secret: yesterday I didn't write one thousand words. I wrote two thousand one hundred and eighty.

There is another reason why I write so many words. They say, you need to spend ten thousand hours to learn a profession. I beleive that I have a spark of talent, but I need to learn writing well, because I want to publish books. A lot of them. So every day I sit down and do my homework in the school of writing.

Do you write every day? How many words?


  1. I wish I could write a 1000 a day, but with the day job is really hard. I do write everyday though and I couldnt agree with you more : )

  2. The most important is the steady flow, whether it is 1000, 500 or 100 words. ;)
