
The Gray Man by Mark Greaney

FYI: Usually I don't repeat what you can read on the back cover, instead I add my two cents.

The Gray Man. The ultimate living weapon. When someone is closing on him he disappears. Nobody can find him if he doesn't want to be found. If he is after you, you are a dead man.

The Gray Man is a fast paced novel with lot of action. Several groups of professional killers want to hunt down the Gray Man, they chase him through Europe, always on his heels. He has to use all his experience and talent to be able to get rid of them. I wasn't bored for a second, it's a real page-turner.

I was thinking about the main character. I was wondering how the human mind works. The Gray Man is a ruthless, cold-blooded killer, he is trained to take lives with such ease as I cut the veggies for dinner. In spite of it we root for him, and our adrenalin level rises high when he is in danger. How can we like a murderer like him? He says he is after the bad guys, who deserve to be dealt with. But still he is a killer.

Before the final battle I thought the story was going to be just like the Expendables. You know, when the hero shoots a whole army without receiving even a scratch. This scenario has its charm, but it would have messed up this novel. Fortunately Greany didn't fell into this trap. The Gray Man was injured, and he was barely making it. The bad guys started to shoot at each other in a competition to get to him first. The whole situation was well constructed.

There was one thing I found too much: the bragging about how professional the Grey Man was. It was OK that his enemies showed respect because of his reputation, but it wasn't necessary to talk about him as a superman. His actions showed that he knew what he was doing.

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